Beat Your Rate Loan Special

Now is the time to refinance that loan with us and we could beat your current Loan Rate by up to 1% APR1 or more!2



¹APR: Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and terms based on credit criteria. Credit restrictions apply. Existing GCFCU loans are not eligible for refinance. Payment Example: $15,000 Loan Amount for 60 months at 4.95% APR = estimated monthly payment of $282.66. Not valid with any other offer. The minimum refinance loan amount is $5,000.

² Applicants are pre-qualified, however you must be a member in good standing and meet GCFCU’s underwriting guidelines. Applicants must have an auto or recreational vehicle loan at another Financial Institution to qualify for this promotion. Existing Loan(s) must also be current (not delinquent) to qualify for the promotion. Refinances of existing GCFCU loans do not qualify for the meet or beat your rate promotion.

³ The Floor Rate (lowest rate available) for this special is 3.90% APR for up to 60 months. No other discounts will be applied. Applicants must provide proof of existing rate, such as, current or recent statement, original loan documents, etc. Greater Chautauqua FCU is an equal housing lender.

Promotion ends February 28, 2025

No need to come in... sign from home with Electronic Signing!

Benefits for choosing GCFCU include:

  • Competitive Rates – Save money with low APR’s!*
  • Flexible payment options that work for you - pay via direct deposit, over the phone, in person, by mail, or even electronically via our Mobile Banking!
  • Low-Cost Credit Insurance - protect yourself with our affordable Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP), CreditLife, and Credit Disability Insurance.
  • Outstanding Service - our loan officers are friendly, caring, and always looking out for your best interest!

Contact us for additional information!

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